Join the growing community of Associate leaders.

Associate Leaders turn vision into reality.

Whether you have a specific challenge you are looking to overcome or are looking for general training for yourself or your team, we invite you to take a look at our resources and discover how Associate Leadership can help you be the best leader you can be.

Discover solutions

Individual Coaching

Coaching is a series of one-on-one conversations with someone who is trained to help you discover solutions that you didn’t even know you knew. Rather than offering a one-size-fits-all solution to the issues you are facing, coaching creates an opportunity for you to craft solutions that fit your context and motivate you to action. Short-term coaching is perfect for those who are dealing with specific obstacles, while long-term coaching is ideal for those who simply want to take their leadership to the next level.

Price: $65/Session
Click Learn More to See Our New Year’s Prices!

Cultivate community

Mastermind Groups

If you are an Executive Pastor or a seasoned Associate Pastor who has served for at least seven years, consider joining one of our mastermind groups. They offer seasoned associates the opportunity to be challenged and encouraged by other like-minded leaders. Each mastermind group meets once a month virtually. Meetings consist of sharing and brainstorming about a live case study arising from one of the member’s current ministry experience.

Price: $210/6-week Group

Choose Growth

Regional Cohorts

Develop the four practices that will help you be both a healthy and effective associate leader. Become a member of a group of people who understand what it’s like to be in the role that you’re in. All cohorts begin with a two day local intensive. You will then take what you learn and work into your daily life throughout the next year through monthly cohort meetings and private coaching.

Price: $125/Month

Develop Your Leaders


Your church staff or leadership team serves together side-by-side day in and day out. A 2-to-3 day retreat or workshop could be the perfect way to help them connect more as a team and take their ministry to the next level. We offer consulting packages for those who have never led a staff retreat and need help with the planning. Our knowledge of the four practices of associate leadership, and the spiritual disciplines that undergird them may make us the perfect speaker to bring in for your next staff retreat.

Price: $TBD

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Want to see what coaching is all about?

Start with a free 30-minute consultation to explore if coaching is right for you.

Just pick a time that works in your schedule and I’ll see you then!