Level Up As A Leader
You feel called by God. You are inspired by the mission. You love the people. You want to be the best leader you can be. So you listen to podcasts. You go to conferences. You may even grow, but you want to grow more.
Even with all the information you’ve gained, you may not be where you want to be as a leader. The principles and practices that sounded good on the podcast or at the conference may have worked for a while, but they haven’t brought about the lasting impact you hoped they would.
It’s time to try something different. You don’t need more information; you need a coach.
Discover Your Unique Path
Coaching is designed to offer you the space and tools to create your own solutions. Your coach is a highly trained conversation partner whose goal is to create reflective space in which you can think, process and plan on the deepest level.
He will help create a conversational space that fosters creativity and clarity. Through careful questioning he will help you tease out the deepest roots of your most stubborn challenges. With subtle probing he will help you discover solutions based on your own skills, gifts and passions. From there he will guide you to turn those solutions into concrete goals and plans.
Coaching sessions are approximately 50 minutes and held via Google Meets. Frequency is based on which coaching package you choose.
You will receive and email inviting you to schedule your first session immediately upon purchase. Each following session will be scheduled at the end of the previous one.
Get 30% OFF!
$260 $182
per month for two months
Get 15% Off!
$130 $110
per month for three months
Get 8% OFF!
$65 $60
per session
Not Sure if Coaching is Right For You?
Schedule a free 30-minute exploratory conversation