The 4 Practices of Associate Leadership

We talked with a wide range of pastors – from large churches and small,
rich and poor churches, on the east coast, the west coast and in the mid-west,
We asked them what Associate Pastors need to do in order to thrive and be successful.
These four practices emerged from what they said:

Enlist Your Resources

The associate leader wants to utilize the best of his strengths and abilities in serving his church or organization. He knows, however, that he cannot do this, if his own life is out of balance.

We want to utilize the best of our strengths and abilities in serving our churches and organizations. We know, however, that we cannot do this, if our own lives are out of balance. unintentional living, and personal unhealthy will rob us of the opportunity to give our best. Therefore, we are committed to bringing our entire lives into alignment with our calling. We are committed to cultivating a lifestyle marked by habits, and rhythms that not only allow us to do our best, but to truly be our best.

Engage Your Culture

As associate leaders, we know that we do not serve within a vacuum. The church or organization that is our place of ministry is a unique system with its own norms, values, and habits. This is the churches, identity and culture, and we see it as an original expression of the life of Christ, in a specific, local context.

We are committed to working with this culture rather than against it. We therefore embrace the church’s mission, vision, and values, and seek to incorporate them into everything that we do. We champion this mission in every interaction with those we lead.

Enhance Your Leader

Associate leadership takes its unique character and quality from the presence of a senior later. The expression of associate leadership in a specific context will be defined by the strengths, weaknesses and priorities of that senior leader.

We are therefore committed to knowing our senior leaders better than they know themselves because we will be called upon to act in Waze that are an extension of their leadership. Without losing sight of our own strengths and passions, we will always work to extend the reach of the leader we serve by enriching the church or organization in which we serve.

Empower Your People

God has both equipped each person to serve and called each person to grow. The church or organization is best served when every person is leveraging their greatest strengths and passions to make the vision a reality.

As associate leaders, we are committed to mobilizing and equipping the people we serve to do what they are called to do in the context of the local church, in ways that move our local churches, mission forward. Without losing sight of the demands and expectations that our people experience in other aspects of their lives, we help them take joyful ownership of the local church.

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