“What you’re doing right now is wildly important because…”

Every leader wants to help their best volunteers thrive while serving long-term.  One way to help volunteers stay engaged is to continually inspire them by connecting the way that they serve to the mission and vision of the church.

Someone once said that mission leaks. What they meant is that we can get so bogged down in the details that we forget what we are doing is important.  This is especially important to remember because the mission – why we do what we do – is what keeps people motivated and engaged.

It is the leader’s job to continually refill the leaking mission gas tank in each of their volunteer’s lives. Pausing three or four times each service, to look an individual volunteer in the eye, and communicate the importance of their service may be what keeps them serving not only for months but for years.

This taps into one of the key responsibilities of all associate leaders: being a conduit for mission.  A church or organization’s mission won’t be effective if it is treated like a poster that you can tack up on the wall.  You can’t say it once and expect everyone to remember it and live by it.  Instead vision is like water that pours through a hose.  If you want water to come out of the hose, it must be constantly flowing.  

You are the conduit of vision from the Lead Pastor to your congregation.  Every conversation is an opportunity to infuse vision into some aspect of a volunteer’s thinking or acting.  The more successful you are in infusing vision into every conversation, the more you will find your volunteers refreshed and motivated to turn the mission of the church into a reality. 

If you’d like to grow in this or any other leadership areas, take a look at our coaching packages! Coaching helps you tap into your own skills and motivations to create solutions that inspire you to action. Questions? Schedule a free consultation!

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