Can you hold on one minute? I want to make sure I write this down.

Trust is one of the most invaluable elements of the relationship between the Lead Pastor and the Associate.  This one sentence can build a powerful bond of trust if used correctly.  Here’s how:

Have you ever been in the following situation?  The Lead Pastor passes you in the stairwell and says, “Hey!  I need you to…”  When he’s done, you say “ok” and you both continue on your way.  His mind goes back to whatever else he has to do today.  Naturally, so does yours.

And the assignment?  If you’re honest, sometimes you remember it later.  Sometimes you don’t because as soon as you take your next step, your mind returns to the task you were focused on in the first place.  

The best way to make sure the new task doesn’t slip through the cracks is to capture it immediately – before the conversation even ends.  So pull out your phone, open your task list, and capture it before you take another step.  Don’t even let your Lead Pastor walk away.  

What will this say to your Lead Pastor?  It will communicate that you want to make his priorities your priorities.  It will say that you are serious about being trustworthy and dependable.  

For this particular saying to have impact, however, it requires follow through.  It requires the personal systems and habits that can turn an item on a todo list into a completed task.  If you need help with that process, one of Associate Leadership’s coaching plans may be the right next growth step for you.  What could be better than spending six months or a year focusing on becoming more dependable?  

The good news is that each step towards personal productivity is a matter of small changes and habits like this one.  If you can say “I want to make sure I write this down,” then you can eventually do everything it takes to master personal productivity!

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